Monday 30 December 2019

Reel and Roll's Top 10 Most Anticipated Films of 2020

Honourable Mentions: The French DispatchLast Night in Soho; True History of the Kelly Gang; Da 5 Bloods; Cherry; The Trial of the Chicago 7; Coming 2 America 

10. Minari 

What's it about?: David (Alan S. Kim), a 7-year-old Korean-American boy, gets his life turned upside down when his father (Steven Yeun) decides to move their family to rural Arkansas and start a farm in the mid-1980s, in this charming and unexpected take on the American Dream. - Letterboxd

Why should you be excited?: It's being distributed by A24 which at the risk of simplifying things, is usually a good sign for such small-budget indie fare. Steven Yeun's proved himself to be quite the talent over the past few years and this sounds like a promising roles, and films from the child's POV always open up so many possibilities of new means of approaching subject matters.

9. Blonde

What's it about?: Based on the Joyce Carol Oates novel of the same name, Blonde tells the story of Marilyn Monroe (played by Ana De Armas) through a fictional lens. - The Playlist

Why should you be excited?: Blade Runner 2049 and Knives Out have proved that De Armas is quite the formidable onscreen talent; Monroe will be a difficult role to emulate for sure, but I have faith. Add in the return of The Assassination of Jesse James by the Coward Robert Ford director Andrew Dominik to the area of nostalgic historical eulogy genre amplifies my interest even further, and I love that Netflix is continuing to fund such ambitious projects. 

8. Top Gun: Maverick
What's it about?: The need for speed continues with Tom Cruise as Pete 'Maverick' Mitchell taking on as instructor for a young generation of Top Gun recruits, including the son of his late best friend Goose, Bradley 'Rooster' Bradshaw (Miles Teller).

Why should you be excited?: Aside from the little nitpick of Miles Teller not really looking much like Anthony Edwards, the whole idea of implementing the Creed formula to this franchise is definitely tantalising, particularly since the original is a true 80s classic and it'll be interesting to see how they change it up for the modern day while retaining what fans loved about the original. Also, Kenny Loggins is writing up a new version of 'Danger Zone'. Are you not entertained?

7. Next Goal Wins 

What's it about?: Dutch coach Thomas Rongen (Michael Fassbender( attempts the nearly impossible task of turning the American Samoa soccer team from perennial losers into winners. - Letterboxd

Why should you be excited?: Well Taika Waititi's been on quite the roll recently and this seems like subject matter that very much suits his particular style, I suspect we'll be getting our usual dose of hilarious hijinks with heart, what takes my interest a bit further is that this will hopefully give Fassbender, who's been in a bit of a critical rut with his recent filmography, some juicy material to chew one. 

6. Bill & Ted Face the Music

What's it about?: The boys are back in town! Now middle-aged and with families of their own, William 'Bill'  Preston (Alex Winter) and Theodore 'Ted' Logan (Keanu Reeves) still need to write the hit song that will save the universe. 

Why should you be excited?: In this day and age we should all take a page out of Bill & Ted's books to be most excellent to one another. I'd argue that both Excellent Adventure and Bogus Journey are kind of underrated in their own right, they're not just very funny films there's also something to their sincerity and earnestness that's quite timeless. Here's hoping this threequel will prove to be great, and no matter what it'll be great to see these two fellas together again. 

5. I'm Thinking of Ending Things 

What's it about?: An unexpected detour turns a couple’s road trip into a terrifying journey through their fragile psyches.

Why should you be excited? Director and writer Charlie Kaufman is truly one of a kind in his style, writing brilliant films such as Adaptation and Eternal Sunshine of the Spotless Mind and directing hidden gems like Synedoche, New York. This latest venture seems like it will delve into the horror and psychological terrors of a collapsing relationship which I have to say sounds bleakly fascinating area to apply Kaufman's style too. Let's hope it works out. 

4. Mank

What's it about?: Screenwriter Herman J. Mankiewicz (Gary Oldman) works on the tumultuous development of Citizen Kane.

Why should you be excited?: Gary Oldman and David Fincher as a pairing should be enough to tantalise, add in a fascinating real-life story and Trent Reznor and Atticus Ross returning for some 1940s-era instrumentals? Sign me up - it's been too long for Fincher, who made the creation of Facebook into such a fascinating drama, to put his talents to use in unexpected areas.

3. Dune

What's it about?: Feature adaptation of Frank Herbert's science fiction novel, about the son (Timothee Chalamet) of a noble family entrusted with the protection of the most valuable asset, and most vital element in the galaxy.

Why should you be excited?: Denis Villeneuve. Sci-fi. Grandeur. Also, Chalamet stans rejoice!

2. Tenet
What's it about?: Who knows at this point.

Why should you be excited?: Because Christopher Nolan, and quite frankly these teaser trailers have only served to further excite me for Nolan delving back into what appears to be the sci-fi thriller genre. Who knows what he has up his sleeves this time around? Plus John David Washington looks extremely promising.

1. Wendy 
What's it about?: Re-imagining of Peter Pan from the POV of Wendy Darling finding herself in 'Neverland'.

Why should you be excited?: Director Benh Zeitlin directed the masterful Beasts of the Southern Wild which is one of my all-time favourite films, and it's been 8 years since he's released anything new. The story of Peter Pan is tried and tested territory for cinema but Zeitlin's vision and that teaser trailer have me properly psyched up for it all.

1 comment:

  1. I actually kind of wish they would've cast Hoult as Anthony Edwards' son, since they do have more of a resemblance. Slight nitpick anyways, and I'm quite looking forward to these as well.

    Wasn't aware about Yeuns' starring film, so I'm hoping it does for him what The Farewell did for Awkafina.
