Monday 28 January 2019

Reel and Roll Awards (2): Best Makeup and Hairstyling/Visual Effects 2018

Best Makeup/Hairstyling -

10. Destroyer 
The makeup work in transforming Nicole Kidman here was apparently quite minimal, and I'd say perhaps all for the best actually - while I have problems with the film, I was very relieved there were no distracting prosthetics to differentiate between 'old' and 'young' Kidman (and actually I'd say this is the better of her two films this year in this regard, with her wig in the excellent Boy Erased actually being a bit distracting, but that's a nitpick).

9. Sorry to Bother You 
Most of the notable work done in this regard is with Tessa Thompson's Detroit, and in that regard she certainly does stand out just through the makeup work and hairstyle she sports alone. Of course, everything else is done well too, and though I don't like the third act of the film that much the makeup work in that regard is certainly impeccable.

8. Vice
Most of the physical transformation into Dick Cheney was done by Bale himself, but the makeup work that aids him is certainly impressive, particularly in the later stages of his life, and one of the better aspects of the film.

7. Mary Poppins Returns 
The use of makeup and wigs to perfect Emily Blunt into Mary Poppins while giving her her own distinct from Julie Andrews look is terrific, again subtle work that never draws attention to itself, it just seems right. And all-around, fantastic work down to the smallest extra. And how did they get Dick Van Dyke to look exactly like Dawes Sr. in...oh, wait. Well, kudos to Dick Van Dyke then anyway.

6. The Ballad of Buster Scruggs
Hate leaving this off the top 5, as the work done here is superb, perhaps most notably in 'Meal Ticket' where the Artist's clownish makeup effectively conveys so much about his character in one go, and whatever they did to Jonjo O'Neill to make him so utterly creepy looking in such an unassuming way in 'The Mortal Remains', well done.

5. Hereditary
Now this is absolutely phenomenal work in almost every regard, and I could go higher on this list if not for the fact that I really was not a fan of how some of these makeup effects were used. A very personal nitpick for sure, but this is honestly horror makeup done at its best, with some truly nauseating, haunting moments created through the use of gore, but also a bit more than just that.

4. Stan & Ollie
Well this is all about ensuring that Steve Coogan and John C. Reilly look like Stan Laurel and Oliver Hardy. Well Reilly is pretty much 100% dead-on, which is remarkable stuff, Coogan's not quite all there in terms of the physical resemblance but given his rather distinct features to begin with it's amazing how they managed to soften him up into Stan (credit to the actor himself too, and to Reilly for that matter).

3. The Favourite
Wigs and white faceprint galore for the boys which all look, for lack of a better word, fabulous, and likewise for the ladies. It's easy to take makeup and hairstyling in period dramas for granted, which you should never do so, with Nicholas Hoult in particularly carrying just an added bit of smarm by that insidious looking makeup of his, and the impeccable work done on Rachel Weisz when she endures a particularly nasty trip through the woods -

2. Suspiria
I didn't love the film, but I absolutely LOVED the makeup. Just in case you haven't seen the film - guess who this is. No idea? Find out!

1. Mandy 
Some of the most ghastly and horrifying makeup work I've seen in a long time, and I mean that in the best possible way. The Children of the New Dawn and the Black Skulls are nauseatingly disgusting in their appearance, while Nic Cage and the way his character's madness is pushed to the brink across the film is supplemented beautifully by the makeup too.

I really need to see Border, by the way.

Best Visual Effects -

Once again, out of laziness, for this section, I will merely make the use of images and videos to show, not tell.

10. Aquaman

9. Bumblebee

8. Ant-Man and the Wasp

7. Christopher Robin

6. Mission Impossible: Fallout

5. Solo: A Star Wars Story  

4. Avengers: Infinity War 

3. Mary Poppins Returns 

2. Isle of Dogs 

1. First Man 

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